I was not one of those people who are naturally flexible; I came to my yoga from a point of pain – physically, emotionally and mentally.
I suffered with Chronic Bronchial Asthma as a child and was frequently in hospital. My back was severely weakened, leading to chronic kyphosis, a curvature of the upper spine. This made it very difficult for me to stand up straight or even sit up straight. I was a very shy child, lacked confidence and any ability to sit still.
As an adult my asthma persisted, I lacked the confidence to socialise and had no true sense of self or direction. Life, work and relationships were stressful, and like many of us I carried that stress in my body.
At the age of 33 a friend suggested that I come with her to a drop in yoga class. I did, initially to see said friend once a week and go for a coffee afterwards. I found the class challenging, in particular the sitting still, straight and focused. I had a very patient teacher, called Carol Samuels, who guided us through the posture work, breathing and relaxation. After a couple of months I began to think about and look forward to my next class long before it was due. Yoga was different to any other form of exercise I had done before, it helped me relax and be still, it ironed out the kinks in my back and also took those poor old shoulders down away from my ears. Standing straight and sitting still and upright is a privilege to me now.
I then went on to train as a yoga teacher with Carol, at the Victor Foundation and have not looked back as my confidence as grown. My influences are taken from Iyengar and Anna Forrest.
I have been teaching for 17 years and run several classes, around the South East Kent Area, I also specialise in yoga for Learning Disabled Adults.
I have a diploma in relaxation, am a hypnotherist and have recently qualified to teach a form of Meditation, Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT).
I am committed to my continuing professional development and regular attend workshops and retreats for myself.
My philosophy is that classes should be fun, challenging and relaxing. My style is fairly dynamic and intuitive incorporating strength, flexibility, breathing and relaxation all at the same time, improving all round well being and health.
For me teaching is a complete joy and what a job to have!!!!!
Accredited to Independent Yoga Network